Dear visitors and participants,
It is generally known that the AgriFood industry is the most relevant sector for the development of Ukraine’s economy, mainly because of the growing export. In 2018 the export of agricultural & food products accounted for 40% of the total Ukrainian export. Ukraine entered the top five largest suppliers of agricultural & food products to the EU countries. According to the results of 2018, the Ukrainian export of agricultural & food products to the EU countries increased by 8.7% compared to 2017. Ukraine has become a world player in agricultural business and shows a steady trend in growth.
More specifically Ukraine is a world player in the export of sunflower oil & meal (no. 1 globally), barley, wheat, corn, rapeseed, soybeans, poultry meat, honey and walnuts. Mostly commodities and/or non-processed products. Vegetables, fruit, berries, and mushrooms also have a high export potential, especially as processed and/or preserved products. The continuous challenge is to add a higher value in processing, packaging and storage technique, and introduce the EU’s practices of sustainable agriculture and systems of food safety control in a broader way. Many Ukrainian food processing companies comply with European and Global food safety standards like HACCP, BRC, IFS and Global GAP. The Europe Union has become the biggest trading partner for Ukraine. Professional collective Ukraine branding is crucial to support the marketing and sales strategy. In summer 2018 a new promotion logo for Ukraine was released: Ukraine NOW UA. The new brand is used all over the world for promotion of Ukraine as a reliable and promising partner. Indeed, it’s time for Ukraine to boost the status as a global player in the AgriFood market!
The Netherlands is a small, densely populated country, with some 410 inhabitants per square kilometer (UA: 73/km2). Yet it’s the globe’s number two exporter of AgriFood products as measured by value, second only to the United States, which has 270 times its landmass. A clear result of continuous innovations in AgriFood value chains. The Netherlands is ranked # 6 among the most innovative countries worldwide, and ranked #2 in Europe with the highest private R&D investment rate in AgriFood. We are ready to share our knowledge, innovations and experience.
That’s why we participate with a Holland Pavilion in the International Exhibition INPRODMASH & UPAKOVKA 2019. As in 2018 we will participate under the banner of FoodTechLink Ukraine, a Dutch Public-Private Partnership in food processing, packaging and cold storage equipment. Through this cooperation we are ready to serve the Ukrainian food processing industry in a professional and collective way. All participating companies have their own specialism and are experienced in export. They believe they can improve their performance and services by collective Dutch cooperation.
A special word of thanks to ACCO International for showing their usual spirit and drive in organizing this international meeting point in Ukraine for food processing and packaging!